Perk up your property with our Lawn Refresh service in Raleigh!

If your lawn is turning yellow, brown, dry, or just feeling stressed out, then it could benefit from a one-time treatment from Canopy Lawn Care of Raleigh! Our Lawn Refresh appointment consists of a single-application treatment of liquid nutrients for lawns that need to perk up fast! 

Our Lawn Refresh service is a free, no-obligation appointment that is designed to give your lawn a quick boost.

Call 919-899-1164 to get started today! 

FREE help for your lawn, no other service sign-ups required! Client or not – we are here to help breathe new life into your brown, stressed lawn.

How it works


Call or fill out our form to book your appointment.

Refresh Treatment

Our pros will apply a one-time liquid treatment that is power-packed with Nitrogen and other ingredients designed to quickly "perk up" struggling lawns. This treatment is a liquid aeration application that carries oxygen to the roots of your grass, allowing it to "breathe easier" and intake more nutrients and water from the soil. Combine Nitrogen with other organic-based healthy ingredients like coffee grounds and sea kelp, and you're left with a service that perks up your lawn FAST.


In order for your lawn refresh treatment to be effective, you need to immediately water, and then continue about 3-4x per week for 20 - 30 mins during periods of little to no rainfall.


Our pros will check in on your lawn's progress 7 -14 days after application and let you know how things are working.


After you see the quick benefits from the Lawn Refresh treatment, it is important to continue to feed your lawn the nutrients it needs for the rest of the year. We've got you covered with our signature Healthy LawnTM weed control and fertilization program. All new clients can receive a FREE Lawn Refresh treatment. Ask us how!

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