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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
Fire Ant Control
Fungal Protection
Grub Control
Top Dressing
Tree and Shrub Care
Weed Control & Fertilization
What do I (the customer) need to do to ensure success?
As Canopy agronomists make recommendations for your specific lawn, we ask that you listen and take action on these request and recommendations. Be patient and allow the program to build the health of your soil and lawn overtime. Follow recommended mowing heights and mowing frequencies – do not let your lawn overgrow without mowing. Follow recommended watering schedules to ensure your lawn receives the appropriate amount of water in seasons where watering is needed.
How long will it take to see results?
Depending on the time of year you begin service and the current state of your lawn, it could be as little as one to two applications to begin seeing a difference. We ask for a full year on the Healthy lawn program to see the full results of the program as each treatment work together and build on one another.
When will my first service be scheduled?
We are generally able to start treatments within 2 weeks of you approving your proposal and based on the time of year and when treatments are needed.
Should I start service now or wait?
It’s almost always best to start now so we can begin to put down the beneficial treatments for your soil and turfgrass. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know. We can schedule a time to come meet with you and make a personal recommendation based on your specific property needs.
Do you treat weeds in my landscape beds?
We are able to quote and provide bed preemergent treatment to help prevent annual weeds in your beds from germinating. However, we are not able to provide regular spraying for weeds in bed areas to control perennial weeds.
What if I need additional services like aeration and overseeding?
We’re happy to provide a wide range of additional services like aeration and overseeding, fungicides, shrub care, etc. We will recommend options for your property seasonally, and all additional services are billed upon fulfilment of service.
Are your products organic?
Our Core Lawn Care liquid fertilizer components are derived from organic compounds found in plant seeds and are processed in a zero-waste facility. Our Core Lawn Care granular fertilizer components are removed from the waste stream and repurposed as an active carbon food source for the plant and soil microbiology. The other components in both fertilizers are from synthetic sources.
What happens if I have weeds in my lawn between treatments?
If weeds are present between applications and the herbicide previously applied did not provide the expected control, we will retreat at no additional charge. Per the Pesticide label, we need to wait at least 14-21 days before any retreatment is completed. On more difficult to control perennial weeds multiple applications and specialized herbicides may be required and may result in an additional charge. We will do everything possible to avoid this, and will make you aware and seek your approval before these additional treatments are applied.
How frequently will you provide lawn treatments?
We typically apply treatments every 6-8 weeks, depending on time of year and weather.
How long do we have to stay off the lawn after an application?
To ensure safety for kids and pets, we ask that you wait for a couple of hours after liquid treatments to let them out on the lawn. As a general rule, and according to the label, it's safe for reentry after the liquid formulations dry.
Are the products you will be applying safe?
Our products are safer than traditional plans, and most of the products we use are organic and natural. We do not use anything with glyphosate/RoundUp. We do, however, use synthetic herbicides to control weeds. We only broadcast spray herbicides if absolutely necessary, otherwise, we simply spot treat, reducing the amount of herbicides as much as possible. To ensure the safety of kids and pets, we ask that you wait for a couple of hours after liquid treatments to let them out on the lawn.
Do you guarantee your service?
If weeds are present between applications and the herbicide previously applied did not provide the expected control, we will retreat at no additional charge. Per the Pesticide label, we need to wait at least 14-21 days before any retreatment is completed. On more difficult-to-control perennial weeds, multiple applications and specialized herbicides may be required and may result in an additional charge. We will do everything possible to avoid this and will make you aware and seek your approval before these additional treatments are applied.
What’s your cancellation policy?
We require a 30-day notice in the event you need to cancel. If you choose to cancel before the 90-day mark, we will need to charge for any promotional discounts given (free month, etc).
Is this a 12-month contract?
You see the best results after receiving all 7 treatments over 12 months. For this reason, it’s best to allow the plan and products time to work and show results. However, if you are moving or need to cancel for any other reason, we require a 30-day cancellation notice.
Will I still be billed in months when I don’t receive service?
Yes, you will be billed for months you don’t receive service, but don’t worry – your monthly price already takes this into account. We take the total annual cost of 7 services and equally divide it among 12 months to get your pricing.
When will I be billed each month?
Your invoice date is the date that you signed your Proposal. For example, if you signed your HealthyLawn Proposal on January 5th, your first invoice would generate on January 5th, and then on the 5th of each following month. Please let us know if you need to start your treatment plan in the future and we’ll be glad to adjust your billing plan.
How does the Monthly Subscription price and billing work?
We take the 7 applications included in our HealthLawn program that are completed over the course of 12 months to determine your annual price. We then take your annual price and simply divide it by 12 to determine a convenient, flat monthly subscription price. We will bill you monthly and provide all the essential fertilization and weed control applications your lawn needs over the year for a lush, green, weed-free lawn. That’s it, set-it, forget-it, and enjoy a beautiful lawn.
What should you do about a fire ant bite?
If you have been bitten by a fire ant, the best thing to do is to flush the area with cold water for several minutes. This can help reduce the burning, itching, and swelling associated with the bite. If you have any severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing or a rash that covers most of the body, seek medical attention immediately. If you don't have access to cold water, try applying an ice pack or a cold compress to the bite. This can help reduce swelling and itching. You can also take an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), to reduce itching and swelling. Additionally, if the bite is in an area where you can easily reach it, try applying calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream for relief.
How often should I cut my grass?
Mowing is recommended weekly during the growing season. It's important to mow frequently enough that you do not cut more than one third of the leaf blade off.
How often should I water my lawn?
Most lawns need approximately one ince of water each week. It is best to water deeper and less frequent than it is to water shallower more frequently. Deeper, less frequent watering will encourage deeper roots and therefore a healthier lawn.
When should you seed Fescue?
In the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, Fescue should be seeded in the fall when temperatures begin to cool down. By seeding Fescue in the fall, you will ensure that your lawn will look healthy and lush come springtime. Additionally, it is important to prepare the soil beforehand. Loosen up any compacted areas and rake the soil to create a level surface. This will help the seed make direct contact with the soil and increase the likelihood of successful germination. After seeding, water regularly and keep the area moist until the seedlings are established. Following these steps will ensure a beautiful lawn of Fescue come spring.
Should you seed Fescue?
Seeding fescue can be beneficial in a few situations. It is ideal for over seeding an existing lawn to thicken it up, to repair a damaged lawn from harsh weather, or as a complete cover for new construction. Fescue is typically seeded in the fall when temperatures are mild and the soil is moist. When seeding, it's important to use a quality seed blend and spread it evenly over the desired area. A soil test should be done before seeding to ensure the proper nutrients are present for a successful germination. After the seeds have been spread, the soil should be gently raked and watered, taking care not to wash away the seeds. The water should be applied to keep the seedbed moist while the seeds are germinating, but not so much that it causes soil erosion or washes away the seed. Once the seeds have sprouted, the water should be cut back and applied only as needed. With proper care and nutrient levels, fescue can provide a beautiful lawn for years to come.
When should you seed Bermuda grass?
While we don’t necessarily recommend seeding Bermuda grass, if you do it is best done in the spring, particularly for those living in the mid-Atlantic region. It is important to note that this grass will not grow well in cooler weather, so it is important to wait until the temperatures are consistently warm before planting. When the soil temperature reaches the mid-60s, it is then safe to begin planting. Additionally, Bermuda grass should be planted when there is plenty of rainfall expected in order to help ensure it will take root and grow properly. Careful consideration should be taken when deciding the timing of seeding Bermuda grass, as planting it too late could result in a weaker stand. It is best to sow the grass before mid-May in order to ensure success.
Should you seed Bermuda?
Here at Canopy we typically do not recommend seeding Bermuda grass. If you already have Bermuda grass established in your lawn a more effective way to achieve greater density is cultural practices like aerating and top-dressing with organic material. Bermuda grass spreads and develops density through stolons and rhizomes. If you have ever looked at Bermuda grass you may have noted the “runners”, horizontal stems on the ground. These are stolons, and the grass spreads this way, with roots at nodes along the stem. Cutting these stolons promotes new growth and increased nodes, which means the grass will increase in density and area.
How high should you cut Fescue?
Fescue should be cut to a height of 3-4 inches. When mowing, keep the blade set at a high setting to ensure that the grass blades are cut and not shredded. If possible, mow when the grass is slightly damp so that it does not dry out too quickly. Regular mowing is important to maintain a healthy Fescue lawn, and should be done every 7-10 days in the summer months, or less often in the winter. Additionally, it is important to avoid scalping your lawn, or cutting the grass too short, as this can cause damage to the grass. Fescue responds best to frequent, light mowing removing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade. For more information on how to care for your Fescue lawn, be sure to consult a landscaping professional.
How high should you cut Bermuda?
Bermuda grass likes to be cut short. Ideally, the grass should remain at a height between 1.5 and 2.5 inches. When cutting Bermuda grass shortit is important to make sure your not scalping areas and damaging the crown of the plant.
Do you have to water Bermuda grass?
Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that requires regular watering to stay healthy and maintain its lush green color. When temperatures are high, and there is a lack of rain, the grass should be watered. On a weekly basis, it is recommended to water bermuda grass with a 1 inch of water. However, if the soil is sandy, it may need to be watered more frequently, such as with ¾ inches of water every third or fourth day. During cooler temperatures, watering can be reduced or may not be necessary.
Is it ok for my dog to poop on the grass?
The answer to whether it is ok for your dog to poop on the grass depends on a few factors, such as how often they go and how much they go. Generally, dog poop is considered to be high in nitrogen and phosphorus, which can be beneficial for grass growth when present in small amounts. However, if too much is present it can lead to nutrient burn and create an imbalance in the lawn’s soil chemistry. Therefore, frequent dog pooping can be harmful to your lawn. To avoid this, it is recommended that you pick up after your pet and dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. If possible, try to avoid letting your dog go in the same spot multiple times as this can increase the chances of nutrient burn.
Is it ok for my dog to pee on the grass?
Dog urine can damage grass and even kill it if left unchecked. Dog urine has an acidifying effect on soil that burns the grass if not monitored closely. If your dog pees on your lawn you can dilute the urine by soaking the area with water.
  • What do I (the customer) need to do to ensure success?

    As Canopy agronomists make recommendations for your specific lawn, we ask that you listen and take action on these request and recommendations. Be patient and allow the program to build the health of your soil and lawn overtime. Follow recommended mowing heights and mowing frequencies – do not let your lawn overgrow without mowing. Follow recommended watering schedules to ensure your lawn receives the appropriate amount of water in seasons where watering is needed.

  • How long will it take to see results?

    Depending on the time of year you begin service and the current state of your lawn, it could be as little as one to two applications to begin seeing a difference. We ask for a full year on the Healthy lawn program to see the full results of the program as each treatment work together and build on one another.

  • When will my first service be scheduled?

    We are generally able to start treatments within 2 weeks of you approving your proposal and based on the time of year and when treatments are needed.

  • Should I start service now or wait?

    It’s almost always best to start now so we can begin to put down the beneficial treatments for your soil and turfgrass. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know. We can schedule a time to come meet with you and make a personal recommendation based on your specific property needs.

  • Do you treat weeds in my landscape beds?

    We are able to quote and provide bed preemergent treatment to help prevent annual weeds in your beds from germinating. However, we are not able to provide regular spraying for weeds in bed areas to control perennial weeds.

  • What if I need additional services like aeration and overseeding?

    We’re happy to provide a wide range of additional services like aeration and overseeding, fungicides, shrub care, etc. We will recommend options for your property seasonally, and all additional services are billed upon fulfilment of service.

  • Are your products organic?

    Our Core Lawn Care liquid fertilizer components are derived from organic compounds found in plant seeds and are processed in a zero-waste facility. Our Core Lawn Care granular fertilizer components are removed from the waste stream and repurposed as an active carbon food source for the plant and soil microbiology. The other components in both fertilizers are from synthetic sources.

  • What happens if I have weeds in my lawn between treatments?

    If weeds are present between applications and the herbicide previously applied did not provide the expected control, we will retreat at no additional charge. Per the Pesticide label, we need to wait at least 14-21 days before any retreatment is completed. On more difficult to control perennial weeds multiple applications and specialized herbicides may be required and may result in an additional charge. We will do everything possible to avoid this, and will make you aware and seek your approval before these additional treatments are applied.

  • How frequently will you provide lawn treatments?

    We typically apply treatments every 6-8 weeks, depending on time of year and weather.

  • How long do we have to stay off the lawn after an application?

    To ensure safety for kids and pets, we ask that you wait for a couple of hours after liquid treatments to let them out on the lawn. As a general rule, and according to the label, it’s safe for reentry after the liquid formulations dry.

  • Are the products you will be applying safe?

    Our products are safer than traditional plans, and most of the products we use are organic and natural. We do not use anything with glyphosate/RoundUp. We do, however, use synthetic herbicides to control weeds. We only broadcast spray herbicides if absolutely necessary, otherwise, we simply spot treat, reducing the amount of herbicides as much as possible. To ensure the safety of kids and pets, we ask that you wait for a couple of hours after liquid treatments to let them out on the lawn.

  • Do you guarantee your service?

    If weeds are present between applications and the herbicide previously applied did not provide the expected control, we will retreat at no additional charge. Per the Pesticide label, we need to wait at least 14-21 days before any retreatment is completed. On more difficult-to-control perennial weeds, multiple applications and specialized herbicides may be required and may result in an additional charge. We will do everything possible to avoid this and will make you aware and seek your approval before these additional treatments are applied.

  • What’s your cancellation policy?

    We require a 30-day notice in the event you need to cancel. If you choose to cancel before the 90-day mark, we will need to charge for any promotional discounts given (free month, etc).

  • Is this a 12-month contract?

    You see the best results after receiving all 7 treatments over 12 months. For this reason, it’s best to allow the plan and products time to work and show results. However, if you are moving or need to cancel for any other reason, we require a 30-day cancellation notice.

  • Will I still be billed in months when I don’t receive service?

    Yes, you will be billed for months you don’t receive service, but don’t worry – your monthly price already takes this into account. We take the total annual cost of 7 services and equally divide it among 12 months to get your pricing.

  • When will I be billed each month?

    Your invoice date is the date that you signed your Proposal. For example, if you signed your HealthyLawn Proposal on January 5th, your first invoice would generate on January 5th, and then on the 5th of each following month. Please let us know if you need to start your treatment plan in the future and we’ll be glad to adjust your billing plan.

  • How does the Monthly Subscription price and billing work?

    We take the 7 applications included in our HealthLawn program that are completed over the course of 12 months to determine your annual price. We then take your annual price and simply divide it by 12 to determine a convenient, flat monthly subscription price. We will bill you monthly and provide all the essential fertilization and weed control applications your lawn needs over the year for a lush, green, weed-free lawn. That’s it, set-it, forget-it, and enjoy a beautiful lawn.

  • What should you do about a fire ant bite?

    If you have been bitten by a fire ant, the best thing to do is to flush the area with cold water for several minutes. This can help reduce the burning, itching, and swelling associated with the bite. If you have any severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing or a rash that covers most of the body, seek medical attention immediately. If you don’t have access to cold water, try applying an ice pack or a cold compress to the bite. This can help reduce swelling and itching. You can also take an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), to reduce itching and swelling. Additionally, if the bite is in an area where you can easily reach it, try applying calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream for relief.

  • How often should I cut my grass?

    Mowing is recommended weekly during the growing season. It’s important to mow frequently enough that you do not cut more than one third of the leaf blade off.

  • How often should I water my lawn?

    Most lawns need approximately one ince of water each week. It is best to water deeper and less frequent than it is to water shallower more frequently. Deeper, less frequent watering will encourage deeper roots and therefore a healthier lawn.

  • When should you seed Fescue?

    In the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, Fescue should be seeded in the fall when temperatures begin to cool down. By seeding Fescue in the fall, you will ensure that your lawn will look healthy and lush come springtime. Additionally, it is important to prepare the soil beforehand. Loosen up any compacted areas and rake the soil to create a level surface. This will help the seed make direct contact with the soil and increase the likelihood of successful germination. After seeding, water regularly and keep the area moist until the seedlings are established. Following these steps will ensure a beautiful lawn of Fescue come spring.

  • Should you seed Fescue?

    Seeding fescue can be beneficial in a few situations. It is ideal for over seeding an existing lawn to thicken it up, to repair a damaged lawn from harsh weather, or as a complete cover for new construction. Fescue is typically seeded in the fall when temperatures are mild and the soil is moist. When seeding, it’s important to use a quality seed blend and spread it evenly over the desired area. A soil test should be done before seeding to ensure the proper nutrients are present for a successful germination. After the seeds have been spread, the soil should be gently raked and watered, taking care not to wash away the seeds. The water should be applied to keep the seedbed moist while the seeds are germinating, but not so much that it causes soil erosion or washes away the seed. Once the seeds have sprouted, the water should be cut back and applied only as needed. With proper care and nutrient levels, fescue can provide a beautiful lawn for years to come.

  • When should you seed Bermuda grass?

    While we don’t necessarily recommend seeding Bermuda grass, if you do it is best done in the spring, particularly for those living in the mid-Atlantic region. It is important to note that this grass will not grow well in cooler weather, so it is important to wait until the temperatures are consistently warm before planting. When the soil temperature reaches the mid-60s, it is then safe to begin planting. Additionally, Bermuda grass should be planted when there is plenty of rainfall expected in order to help ensure it will take root and grow properly. Careful consideration should be taken when deciding the timing of seeding Bermuda grass, as planting it too late could result in a weaker stand. It is best to sow the grass before mid-May in order to ensure success.

  • Should you seed Bermuda?

    Here at Canopy we typically do not recommend seeding Bermuda grass. If you already have Bermuda grass established in your lawn a more effective way to achieve greater density is cultural practices like aerating and top-dressing with organic material. Bermuda grass spreads and develops density through stolons and rhizomes. If you have ever looked at Bermuda grass you may have noted the “runners”, horizontal stems on the ground. These are stolons, and the grass spreads this way, with roots at nodes along the stem. Cutting these stolons promotes new growth and increased nodes, which means the grass will increase in density and area.

  • How high should you cut Fescue?

    Fescue should be cut to a height of 3-4 inches. When mowing, keep the blade set at a high setting to ensure that the grass blades are cut and not shredded. If possible, mow when the grass is slightly damp so that it does not dry out too quickly. Regular mowing is important to maintain a healthy Fescue lawn, and should be done every 7-10 days in the summer months, or less often in the winter. Additionally, it is important to avoid scalping your lawn, or cutting the grass too short, as this can cause damage to the grass. Fescue responds best to frequent, light mowing removing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade. For more information on how to care for your Fescue lawn, be sure to consult a landscaping professional.

  • How high should you cut Bermuda?

    Bermuda grass likes to be cut short. Ideally, the grass should remain at a height between 1.5 and 2.5 inches. When cutting Bermuda grass shortit is important to make sure your not scalping areas and damaging the crown of the plant.

  • Do you have to water Bermuda grass?

    Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that requires regular watering to stay healthy and maintain its lush green color. When temperatures are high, and there is a lack of rain, the grass should be watered. On a weekly basis, it is recommended to water bermuda grass with a 1 inch of water. However, if the soil is sandy, it may need to be watered more frequently, such as with ¾ inches of water every third or fourth day. During cooler temperatures, watering can be reduced or may not be necessary.

  • Is it ok for my dog to poop on the grass?

    The answer to whether it is ok for your dog to poop on the grass depends on a few factors, such as how often they go and how much they go. Generally, dog poop is considered to be high in nitrogen and phosphorus, which can be beneficial for grass growth when present in small amounts. However, if too much is present it can lead to nutrient burn and create an imbalance in the lawn’s soil chemistry. Therefore, frequent dog pooping can be harmful to your lawn. To avoid this, it is recommended that you pick up after your pet and dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. If possible, try to avoid letting your dog go in the same spot multiple times as this can increase the chances of nutrient burn.

  • Is it ok for my dog to pee on the grass?

    Dog urine can damage grass and even kill it if left unchecked. Dog urine has an acidifying effect on soil that burns the grass if not monitored closely. If your dog pees on your lawn you can dilute the urine by soaking the area with water.

How do you get rid of fire ants?
There are a variety of methods for managing fire ants, including the use of baits and traps, chemical treatments, and mowing or tilling areas where they are present. Proper monitoring and control is necessary to protect people, property, and the environment from fire ants. Lawn Care companies like Canopy also offer professional treatment of fire ants.
Will fire ants come back?
Fire ants are a resilient species of ant that, even if killed off in one area, can come back and thrive again. This is because they can colonize new areas by swarming and hitching a ride on human transportation. Fire ants have even been known to survive flooding, as they are able to form a "raft" on the surface of water and float until they reach a different area. This makes them difficult to get rid of for good, as even if an area has been cleared of them, they are still able to recolonize.
Are fire ants dangerous?
Fire ants are considered dangerous because of their painful venomous stings. The venom from fire ant stings is usually not life-threatening, but can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and reactions. These reactions can range from mild swelling and itching to hives, blistering skin, severe burning sensations, and anaphylactic shock in some cases. Fire ants are also capable of causing damage to property and the environment. These pests can contribute to soil erosion, disrupt the growth of native plants, and damage crops.
  • How do you get rid of fire ants?

    There are a variety of methods for managing fire ants, including the use of baits and traps, chemical treatments, and mowing or tilling areas where they are present. Proper monitoring and control is necessary to protect people, property, and the environment from fire ants. Lawn Care companies like Canopy also offer professional treatment of fire ants.

  • Will fire ants come back?

    Fire ants are a resilient species of ant that, even if killed off in one area, can come back and thrive again. This is because they can colonize new areas by swarming and hitching a ride on human transportation. Fire ants have even been known to survive flooding, as they are able to form a “raft” on the surface of water and float until they reach a different area. This makes them difficult to get rid of for good, as even if an area has been cleared of them, they are still able to recolonize.

  • Are fire ants dangerous?

    Fire ants are considered dangerous because of their painful venomous stings. The venom from fire ant stings is usually not life-threatening, but can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and reactions. These reactions can range from mild swelling and itching to hives, blistering skin, severe burning sensations, and anaphylactic shock in some cases. Fire ants are also capable of causing damage to property and the environment. These pests can contribute to soil erosion, disrupt the growth of native plants, and damage crops.

Do I need to treat my lawn with fungicide?
When it comes to lawn care, one of the most common questions is whether or not to treat your lawn with fungicide. This is especially true in areas with hot, humid climates, where the fungus known as Brown Patch can become an issue. Applying a fungicide proactively can ensure that your lawn does not become infected. Once Brown Patch infiltrates your lawn (and you actually see brown patches) that grass is dead and cannot be restored. However, fungicide applied after the appearance of Brown Patch will kill the fungi and prevent further damage. The decision to apply fungicide really comes down to how much you care about the health and appearance of your lawn!
What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?
Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.
Why are some patches of my lawn dying?
Patches of dying grass can be caused by a number of different factors. Insects, disease, mowing practices, and drought are some of the most common issues. Insects can cause turf grass damage in a variety of ways, depending on the species present. Chinch bugs feed on the fluids in grass blades and leave behind yellow patches. Grubs, armyworms, and sod webworms can all cause damage as they feed on the roots of turf grass. Disease is another possible cause of dead patches in lawns. Fungal diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and large patch are common problems that can cause patches to die. Mowing practices are another potential cause of dead patches. Cutting the lawn too short or cutting it too often can lead to weakened grass that is more prone to damage. Finally, drought can also lead to dead patches in lawns. Without sufficient water, the turf grass will brown and die. To prevent this, it is important to make sure the lawn is getting adequate water. If your lawn is suffering from dead patches, it is important to identify the cause so that you can take the necessary steps to treat it. Conducting a thorough investigation of your lawn and consulting with a professional can help you determine why your grass is dying. Taking the appropriate action to address the issue will help ensure that your lawn
What to do about yellow patches of grass?
Yellow patches of grass can indicate a number of potential problems that need to be addressed. The first step is to identify the cause of the yellowing. The most common causes are drought, insect infestation, nutrient deficiency, dog urine, and disease. Once the cause is identified, appropriate action can be taken to address the problem. If the yellow patches are caused by drought, it is important to ensure that the grass is getting enough water. Adjusting irrigation systems or watering deeply with a hose may be necessary. If the yellow patches are caused by insect infestation, treatment with a chemical or natural insecticide may be necessary. Be sure to read the instructions on the product label before applying any pesticide. If a nutrient deficiency is causing the yellow patches, it can often be addressed by adding a fertilizer that contains the missing nutrient. Depending on the type of grass, you may require specific types of fertilizers. If disease is the cause, treatment with a fungicide may be necessary. Be sure to read and follow instructions carefully when using fungicides. Additionally, it is important to practice good lawn maintenance habits such as mowing regularly, removing thatch, and aerating the soil. By properly identifying and addressing the cause of yellow patches, it is possible to restore the health and vitality of your lawn.
  • Do I need to treat my lawn with fungicide?

    When it comes to lawn care, one of the most common questions is whether or not to treat your lawn with fungicide. This is especially true in areas with hot, humid climates, where the fungus known as Brown Patch can become an issue. Applying a fungicide proactively can ensure that your lawn does not become infected. Once Brown Patch infiltrates your lawn (and you actually see brown patches) that grass is dead and cannot be restored. However, fungicide applied after the appearance of Brown Patch will kill the fungi and prevent further damage. The decision to apply fungicide really comes down to how much you care about the health and appearance of your lawn!

  • What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?

    Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.

  • Why are some patches of my lawn dying?

    Patches of dying grass can be caused by a number of different factors. Insects, disease, mowing practices, and drought are some of the most common issues. Insects can cause turf grass damage in a variety of ways, depending on the species present. Chinch bugs feed on the fluids in grass blades and leave behind yellow patches. Grubs, armyworms, and sod webworms can all cause damage as they feed on the roots of turf grass. Disease is another possible cause of dead patches in lawns. Fungal diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and large patch are common problems that can cause patches to die. Mowing practices are another potential cause of dead patches. Cutting the lawn too short or cutting it too often can lead to weakened grass that is more prone to damage. Finally, drought can also lead to dead patches in lawns. Without sufficient water, the turf grass will brown and die. To prevent this, it is important to make sure the lawn is getting adequate water. If your lawn is suffering from dead patches, it is important to identify the cause so that you can take the necessary steps to treat it. Conducting a thorough investigation of your lawn and consulting with a professional can help you determine why your grass is dying. Taking the appropriate action to address the issue will help ensure that your lawn

  • What to do about yellow patches of grass?

    Yellow patches of grass can indicate a number of potential problems that need to be addressed. The first step is to identify the cause of the yellowing. The most common causes are drought, insect infestation, nutrient deficiency, dog urine, and disease. Once the cause is identified, appropriate action can be taken to address the problem. If the yellow patches are caused by drought, it is important to ensure that the grass is getting enough water. Adjusting irrigation systems or watering deeply with a hose may be necessary. If the yellow patches are caused by insect infestation, treatment with a chemical or natural insecticide may be necessary. Be sure to read the instructions on the product label before applying any pesticide. If a nutrient deficiency is causing the yellow patches, it can often be addressed by adding a fertilizer that contains the missing nutrient. Depending on the type of grass, you may require specific types of fertilizers. If disease is the cause, treatment with a fungicide may be necessary. Be sure to read and follow instructions carefully when using fungicides. Additionally, it is important to practice good lawn maintenance habits such as mowing regularly, removing thatch, and aerating the soil. By properly identifying and addressing the cause of yellow patches, it is possible to restore the health and vitality of your lawn.

Are grubs dangerous for kids or pets?
Grubs are larvae of certain insects such as beetles and weevils that feed on plant roots. Though grubs themselves are harmless, the damage they can cause to plants can be dangerous for pets and children. Grub infestations can lead to weakened plants, such as lawn grass and ornamental shrubs. Pets can become ill if they nibble on infested plants or ingest grubs while foraging on the lawn. Children can also suffer from skin irritations and allergic reactions if they come into contact with grubs or their excrement. To minimize the risks associated with grubs, it is important to properly identify and remove infestations quickly. If you suspect your lawn or garden is infested with grubs, contact a lawn care professional for help. They can use safe and effective treatments to eliminate the infestation and protect your loved ones from harm.
What do grubs eat?
Grubs are voracious eaters, and will feed on organic matter like roots of grasses, vegetables, and other plants. In addition, grubs will sometimes feed on the decaying remains of dead animals or insects. Grubs are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food for larger animals such as birds and small mammals. However, large numbers of grubs can be detrimental to plants, so it’s important to monitor their numbers in your garden and take appropriate action if necessary. Grubs are also a favorite food of moles, which can create an even larger problem if their numbers get too high.
Where do grubs come from?
Grubs are most commonly associated with the Japanese Beetle, which is native to North Carolina and can be found in Raleigh. They are typically white or gray and C-shaped with a dark head. Grubs are the larvae of the Japanese Beetle, which emerge from eggs laid in soil during the warmer months. The adult beetles emerge in late May or early June and lay eggs in the soil. The larvae hatch from these eggs after a few weeks, and begin to feed on the roots of turfgrass, vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants and more. They then go through three stages of development before pupating and emerging as adult beetles. Grubs can cause extensive damage to crops, lawns, and gardens if not controlled.
How do I treat grubs in my lawn?
If you have grubs in your lawn, the most effective way to get rid of them is to use a pesticide. You can do this yourself or hire a lawn care or pest control company. Pesticides can be purchased from home and garden stores or online. Before applying the pesticide, carefully read and follow all instructions on the package label to ensure safety and proper application. When applying the pesticide, be sure to cover the entire affected area and not just spots where grubs are visible. After application, water the lawn for a few minutes to activate the pesticide. It may take a few days for the grubs to die, so be patient and water the lawn regularly. If the grubs are still present after a few weeks, you may need to reapply the pesticide according to the directions on the label.
How do I know if I have Japanese beetles in my lawn?
Look for skeletonized leaves or the presence of adult beetles, as well as any areas that look particularly damaged. If you do detect an infestation, it is best to contact a local pest control expert for advice on the best way to deal with the problem.
What do I do about Japanese beetles?
The best way to protect your lawn from these pests is to start by keeping your lawn healthy and well-maintained. Make sure to mow regularly, water deeply and fertilize when necessary. Additionally, be sure to keep the grass at a length of no more than four inches in order to discourage Japanese beetles from laying eggs in your lawn. You can also use pest control products such as insecticides to help ward off the beetles and prevent damage to your lawn. However, be sure to read the label and follow directions carefully in order to avoid harming yourself, your pets or your plants. Consider hiring a professional lawn care or pest control company to be assured that the problem will be addressed thoroughly.
Are Japanese beetles harmful to my lawn?
Japanese beetles are a major pest to lawns in the United States. They feed on over 300 species of plants, including grasses, trees and shrubs. These pests can cause severe damage to lawns in just a few weeks. The beetles eat the leaves of grass, leaving behind only their skeletonized remains. Additionally, the beetles lay eggs in the soil around your lawn which can hatch and add to an even larger infestation. Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures in order to protect your lawn from Japanese beetles.
  • Are grubs dangerous for kids or pets?

    Grubs are larvae of certain insects such as beetles and weevils that feed on plant roots. Though grubs themselves are harmless, the damage they can cause to plants can be dangerous for pets and children. Grub infestations can lead to weakened plants, such as lawn grass and ornamental shrubs. Pets can become ill if they nibble on infested plants or ingest grubs while foraging on the lawn. Children can also suffer from skin irritations and allergic reactions if they come into contact with grubs or their excrement. To minimize the risks associated with grubs, it is important to properly identify and remove infestations quickly. If you suspect your lawn or garden is infested with grubs, contact a lawn care professional for help. They can use safe and effective treatments to eliminate the infestation and protect your loved ones from harm.

  • What do grubs eat?

    Grubs are voracious eaters, and will feed on organic matter like roots of grasses, vegetables, and other plants. In addition, grubs will sometimes feed on the decaying remains of dead animals or insects. Grubs are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food for larger animals such as birds and small mammals. However, large numbers of grubs can be detrimental to plants, so it’s important to monitor their numbers in your garden and take appropriate action if necessary. Grubs are also a favorite food of moles, which can create an even larger problem if their numbers get too high.

  • Where do grubs come from?

    Grubs are most commonly associated with the Japanese Beetle, which is native to North Carolina and can be found in Raleigh. They are typically white or gray and C-shaped with a dark head. Grubs are the larvae of the Japanese Beetle, which emerge from eggs laid in soil during the warmer months. The adult beetles emerge in late May or early June and lay eggs in the soil. The larvae hatch from these eggs after a few weeks, and begin to feed on the roots of turfgrass, vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants and more. They then go through three stages of development before pupating and emerging as adult beetles. Grubs can cause extensive damage to crops, lawns, and gardens if not controlled.

  • How do I treat grubs in my lawn?

    If you have grubs in your lawn, the most effective way to get rid of them is to use a pesticide. You can do this yourself or hire a lawn care or pest control company. Pesticides can be purchased from home and garden stores or online. Before applying the pesticide, carefully read and follow all instructions on the package label to ensure safety and proper application. When applying the pesticide, be sure to cover the entire affected area and not just spots where grubs are visible. After application, water the lawn for a few minutes to activate the pesticide. It may take a few days for the grubs to die, so be patient and water the lawn regularly. If the grubs are still present after a few weeks, you may need to reapply the pesticide according to the directions on the label.

  • How do I know if I have Japanese beetles in my lawn?

    Look for skeletonized leaves or the presence of adult beetles, as well as any areas that look particularly damaged. If you do detect an infestation, it is best to contact a local pest control expert for advice on the best way to deal with the problem.

  • What do I do about Japanese beetles?

    The best way to protect your lawn from these pests is to start by keeping your lawn healthy and well-maintained. Make sure to mow regularly, water deeply and fertilize when necessary. Additionally, be sure to keep the grass at a length of no more than four inches in order to discourage Japanese beetles from laying eggs in your lawn. You can also use pest control products such as insecticides to help ward off the beetles and prevent damage to your lawn. However, be sure to read the label and follow directions carefully in order to avoid harming yourself, your pets or your plants. Consider hiring a professional lawn care or pest control company to be assured that the problem will be addressed thoroughly.

  • Are Japanese beetles harmful to my lawn?

    Japanese beetles are a major pest to lawns in the United States. They feed on over 300 species of plants, including grasses, trees and shrubs. These pests can cause severe damage to lawns in just a few weeks. The beetles eat the leaves of grass, leaving behind only their skeletonized remains. Additionally, the beetles lay eggs in the soil around your lawn which can hatch and add to an even larger infestation. Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures in order to protect your lawn from Japanese beetles.

What does top dressing a lawn do?
Top dressing a lawn is an effective way to keep it healthy and vibrant. It involves applying a thin layer of organic matter such as compost, sand, etc. to the surface of your lawn. This helps add essential nutrients to the soil and improve its structure, which in turn encourages a healthy root system. Top dressing also helps to promote turf density, retain moisture, and improve drainage. It can be done as part of regular lawn care or as a one-time solution to improve the health of an unhealthy lawn. Regular top dressing helps keep your lawn looking green and lush for years to come.
What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?
Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.
How long does it take for lawn care to work?
The amount of time it takes for lawn care to work depends on the current state of the lawn, the amount of desired grass established, the amount of weeds, the age of the lawn, and other environmental factors. At Canopy, we ask customers to give us a year to see the full results of our program.
What does grass need to grow?
Grass needs several necessary elements to grow. It requires healthy, nutrient-rich soil with adequate water and sunlight. Grass also needs macro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micro nutrients available to thrive. Proper mowing techniques and other cultural practices can also ensure a healthy, lush lawn. Mowing grass on a regular basis helps it to remain healthy and thick. It also encourages the growth of deeper roots, which can help the grass survive during periods of drought. Finally, a consistent fertilization schedule is important for maintaining a healthy lawn. Fertilizer can provide the grass with extra nutrients that may not be available in the soil. With these elements, grass will be able to grow and flourish.
  • What does top dressing a lawn do?

    Top dressing a lawn is an effective way to keep it healthy and vibrant. It involves applying a thin layer of organic matter such as compost, sand, etc. to the surface of your lawn. This helps add essential nutrients to the soil and improve its structure, which in turn encourages a healthy root system. Top dressing also helps to promote turf density, retain moisture, and improve drainage. It can be done as part of regular lawn care or as a one-time solution to improve the health of an unhealthy lawn. Regular top dressing helps keep your lawn looking green and lush for years to come.

  • What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?

    Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.

  • How long does it take for lawn care to work?

    The amount of time it takes for lawn care to work depends on the current state of the lawn, the amount of desired grass established, the amount of weeds, the age of the lawn, and other environmental factors. At Canopy, we ask customers to give us a year to see the full results of our program.

  • What does grass need to grow?

    Grass needs several necessary elements to grow. It requires healthy, nutrient-rich soil with adequate water and sunlight. Grass also needs macro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micro nutrients available to thrive. Proper mowing techniques and other cultural practices can also ensure a healthy, lush lawn. Mowing grass on a regular basis helps it to remain healthy and thick. It also encourages the growth of deeper roots, which can help the grass survive during periods of drought. Finally, a consistent fertilization schedule is important for maintaining a healthy lawn. Fertilizer can provide the grass with extra nutrients that may not be available in the soil. With these elements, grass will be able to grow and flourish.

What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?
Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.
Is hiring a lawn care company worth it?
Hiring a professional lawn care company is often worth it for homeowners who are looking to keep their yards looking great. Professional lawn care companies are knowledgeable in the best practices for lawn care, including when to apply herbicides, fertilize, and other treatments. Additionally, they possess specialized equipment and know-how to ensure that your yard looks great. By hiring a professional lawn care company, you are also saving yourself time and energy. This is because lawn care is a labor-intensive task and can be time consuming. Professional lawn care companies have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to spend your time on other activities. Overall, hiring a professional lawn care company is worth it if you are looking for quality results without having to put in the time and effort yourself. With their knowledge, expertise, and specialized equipment, you can rest assured that your yard is in good hands and will look its best.
How do you choose a lawn care company?
When looking to hire a lawn care company, it is important to do some research and find one that meets your needs. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Is the lawn care company staffed with a trained agronomist? A trained agronomist can properly diagnose and address lawn care issues, such as pests or disease. 2. Is the lawn care company licensed and insured? This is an important factor when considering a professional lawn care service. 3. Are there good online reviews or testimonials from customers? Having a look at what other people have to say can give you insight into the quality of service that you will receive from a particular lawn care company. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the right lawn care company for your needs.
What organic materials does Canopy use?
Canopy's lawn care program uses organic materials to promote better, healthier lawns. These materials include reclaimed coffee grounds as a natural fertilizer, beneficial bacteria to help promote healthy growth, and protein meal as a source of essential nutrients. The combination of these organic materials helps the soil retain moisture better, while also providing a range of essential nutrients to the grass and other plants in the lawn. Canopy's lawn care program is designed to nourish your lawn naturally, with less use of harsh chemicals or artificial fertilizers.
  • What are some good alternatives to TruGreen?

    Canopy Lawn Care is a great alternative to TruGreen for residents of the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Canopy offers lawn care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each lawn, with services like fertilization, weed control and aeration. They also additional services to keep your lawn looking its best. Additionally, Canopy offers soil testing with their lawn care service, so they can accurately determine the best plan of action for your lawn. Canopy is a reliable and professional service that will help you keep your lawn looking healthy and vibrant for years to come.

  • Is hiring a lawn care company worth it?

    Hiring a professional lawn care company is often worth it for homeowners who are looking to keep their yards looking great. Professional lawn care companies are knowledgeable in the best practices for lawn care, including when to apply herbicides, fertilize, and other treatments. Additionally, they possess specialized equipment and know-how to ensure that your yard looks great. By hiring a professional lawn care company, you are also saving yourself time and energy. This is because lawn care is a labor-intensive task and can be time consuming. Professional lawn care companies have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to spend your time on other activities. Overall, hiring a professional lawn care company is worth it if you are looking for quality results without having to put in the time and effort yourself. With their knowledge, expertise, and specialized equipment, you can rest assured that your yard is in good hands and will look its best.

  • How do you choose a lawn care company?

    When looking to hire a lawn care company, it is important to do some research and find one that meets your needs. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Is the lawn care company staffed with a trained agronomist? A trained agronomist can properly diagnose and address lawn care issues, such as pests or disease. 2. Is the lawn care company licensed and insured? This is an important factor when considering a professional lawn care service. 3. Are there good online reviews or testimonials from customers? Having a look at what other people have to say can give you insight into the quality of service that you will receive from a particular lawn care company. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the right lawn care company for your needs.

  • What organic materials does Canopy use?

    Canopy’s lawn care program uses organic materials to promote better, healthier lawns. These materials include reclaimed coffee grounds as a natural fertilizer, beneficial bacteria to help promote healthy growth, and protein meal as a source of essential nutrients. The combination of these organic materials helps the soil retain moisture better, while also providing a range of essential nutrients to the grass and other plants in the lawn. Canopy’s lawn care program is designed to nourish your lawn naturally, with less use of harsh chemicals or artificial fertilizers.

What is the difference between pre and post emergent herbicides?
Pre-emergent herbicides target weed seeds before they sprout and grow, while post-emergent herbicides are used to kill weeds that have already sprouted and are actively growing. Pre-emergent herbicides create an invisible barrier below the soil surface that kills weed seeds before they can take root and grow. Once applied, it will remain active in the soil for several weeks or months, depending on the product. Post-emergent herbicides are used to control existing weeds. They are generally sprayed directly onto the weed and can kill the plant within hours or days, depending on the product. Post-emergent herbicides also have residual activity and will kill new weeds that germinate after the application.
Is hiring a lawn care company worth it?
Hiring a professional lawn care company is often worth it for homeowners who are looking to keep their yards looking great. Professional lawn care companies are knowledgeable in the best practices for lawn care, including when to apply herbicides, fertilize, and other treatments. Additionally, they possess specialized equipment and know-how to ensure that your yard looks great. By hiring a professional lawn care company, you are also saving yourself time and energy. This is because lawn care is a labor-intensive task and can be time consuming. Professional lawn care companies have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to spend your time on other activities. Overall, hiring a professional lawn care company is worth it if you are looking for quality results without having to put in the time and effort yourself. With their knowledge, expertise, and specialized equipment, you can rest assured that your yard is in good hands and will look its best.
How do you choose a lawn care company?
When looking to hire a lawn care company, it is important to do some research and find one that meets your needs. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Is the lawn care company staffed with a trained agronomist? A trained agronomist can properly diagnose and address lawn care issues, such as pests or disease. 2. Is the lawn care company licensed and insured? This is an important factor when considering a professional lawn care service. 3. Are there good online reviews or testimonials from customers? Having a look at what other people have to say can give you insight into the quality of service that you will receive from a particular lawn care company. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the right lawn care company for your needs.
How long does it take for lawn care to work?
The amount of time it takes for lawn care to work depends on the current state of the lawn, the amount of desired grass established, the amount of weeds, the age of the lawn, and other environmental factors. At Canopy, we ask customers to give us a year to see the full results of our program.
What is the best type of lawn care?
Canopy Lawn Care. Period.
How do I get rid of weeds in my lawn?
Weed control methods can be divided into two broad categories: cultural and chemical. Cultural weed control methods focus on changing the environment so that weeds are not able to grow. This includes practices that will increase turf grass density like aeration, seeding, mowing, watering, fertilizing, etc.. Chemical weed control methods involve using herbicides. These are available in both liquid and granule form, and should be used according to the directions on the label. Herbicides come in both pre and post emergent, be careful when you apply them, because you don’t want to kill your desired grass! By combining good cultural and chemical practices the best results can be achieved.
Why do I have weeds in my lawn?
Weeds can be one of the most frustrating problems for any homeowner with a lawn. Not only do they look unsightly, but they also take away valuable nutrients, space, and water from grass in the desired lawn. So why do you have weeds in your lawn? The answer can vary depending on your climate, soil type, and the amount of sunlight and water your lawn gets. Common reasons for weeds are: lack of turf density, an imbalance of nutrients or lack of certain essential nutrients, compacted soil, so if your lawn hasn't been aerated recently or you haven't been regularly dethatching it, lack of sunlight or water, etc.
How do I get a better lawn?
To get a better lawn, it is important to implement effective weed control, cultural practices and proper fertilization. Weed control usually involves using herbicides or other products to control the growth of weeds. Cultural practices such as mowing, aerating and overseeding can help promote healthy turfgrass growth and reduce weeds. Fertilizing is also important to promote healthy turfgrass growth and keep weeds at bay. Different types of fertilizer should be used depending on the type of grass, soil conditions and climate. It is important to follow directions carefully when using products for weed and pest control. Regular maintenance such as mowing, watering and fertilizing can help keep a lawn healthy and weed-free. By taking these steps, you will be well on your way to having a better lawn.
What does grass need to grow?
Grass needs several necessary elements to grow. It requires healthy, nutrient-rich soil with adequate water and sunlight. Grass also needs macro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micro nutrients available to thrive. Proper mowing techniques and other cultural practices can also ensure a healthy, lush lawn. Mowing grass on a regular basis helps it to remain healthy and thick. It also encourages the growth of deeper roots, which can help the grass survive during periods of drought. Finally, a consistent fertilization schedule is important for maintaining a healthy lawn. Fertilizer can provide the grass with extra nutrients that may not be available in the soil. With these elements, grass will be able to grow and flourish.
How do I tell what kind of grass I have?
One of the best ways to tell what kind of grass you have is by inspecting its leaf blades. Different kinds of grass will have different characteristics in the way their leaves look and feel. Look at the growth patterns, does it spread and grow horizontally, like Bermuda grass? Does it grow more in clumps vertically, like Tall Fescure? Sometimes it can be difficult to identify the type of grass you have, so consulting with a local lawn care professional might be necessary. They will be able to identify your grass and inform you of the best ways to take care of it.
Why are some patches of my lawn dying?
Patches of dying grass can be caused by a number of different factors. Insects, disease, mowing practices, and drought are some of the most common issues. Insects can cause turf grass damage in a variety of ways, depending on the species present. Chinch bugs feed on the fluids in grass blades and leave behind yellow patches. Grubs, armyworms, and sod webworms can all cause damage as they feed on the roots of turf grass. Disease is another possible cause of dead patches in lawns. Fungal diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and large patch are common problems that can cause patches to die. Mowing practices are another potential cause of dead patches. Cutting the lawn too short or cutting it too often can lead to weakened grass that is more prone to damage. Finally, drought can also lead to dead patches in lawns. Without sufficient water, the turf grass will brown and die. To prevent this, it is important to make sure the lawn is getting adequate water. If your lawn is suffering from dead patches, it is important to identify the cause so that you can take the necessary steps to treat it. Conducting a thorough investigation of your lawn and consulting with a professional can help you determine why your grass is dying. Taking the appropriate action to address the issue will help ensure that your lawn
What organic materials does Canopy use?
Canopy's lawn care program uses organic materials to promote better, healthier lawns. These materials include reclaimed coffee grounds as a natural fertilizer, beneficial bacteria to help promote healthy growth, and protein meal as a source of essential nutrients. The combination of these organic materials helps the soil retain moisture better, while also providing a range of essential nutrients to the grass and other plants in the lawn. Canopy's lawn care program is designed to nourish your lawn naturally, with less use of harsh chemicals or artificial fertilizers.
What kind of herbicides does Canopy use?
Canopy utilizes a variety of commodity pesticides to meet the needs of our clients. We utilize industry standard pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides to effectively control weeds without damaging the surrounding vegetation. We also use specialized herbicides to target specific species of weeds. Our team is well-versed in the use of these products and will work with you to create a plan that meets your needs. We understand the importance of proper application techniques, timing, and safety protocols and adhere to all state and federal regulations. With our expertise, you can be assured that your property is in good hands.
What kind of fertilizer does Canopy use?
At Canopy, we use a combination of both granular and liquid fertilizers. Our selection includes synthetic and organic blends to meet the needs of different plants and soils. We strive to ensure our selection is of the highest quality, so that you can trust your plants will get the nutrition they need. We carry both slow-release and fast-acting fertilizers to provide a balanced nutrient supply throughout the entire growing season. All of our fertilizer products are designed to deliver quick and long-term results, so you can have peace of mind your plants will stay healthy.
What is the difference between lawn care and turf care?
Lawn care and turf care are the same thing! The terms are often used interchangeably to describe the management of turf grass areas. Both services typically include fertilization, weed control, and other services like seeding and aeration, de-thatching, and top dressing.
What is the difference between lawn care and lawn maintenance?
Lawn care and lawn maintenance are terms that are often used interchangeably, however they refer to two distinct processes. Lawn care typically refers to the seasonal tasks involved in preparing a lawn for the coming months. It includes fertilizing, aerating, seeding and reseeding, de-thatching, and weed control. Lawn maintenance is an ongoing process of mowing, edging, trimming trees and shrubs, removing leaves and debris, and other routine tasks that help keep a lawn in good condition. Both lawn care and maintenance are important for keeping a healthy, attractive lawn.
What does lawn care actually do?
Lawn care in North Carolina includes a variety of services, from fertilizing to weed control. Fertilizing is important for providing essential nutrients to your lawn, allowing it to remain healthy and green throughout the year. Weed control is also important for keeping your lawn free of unsightly weeds and ensuring that the grass stays lush and healthy. In addition to these core services, lawn care in North Carolina may also include aeration and seeding, top dressing, and lawn pest control. Professionally delivered lawn care should result in a healthy lawn with few weeds and thriving turfgrass.
  • What is the difference between pre and post emergent herbicides?

    Pre-emergent herbicides target weed seeds before they sprout and grow, while post-emergent herbicides are used to kill weeds that have already sprouted and are actively growing. Pre-emergent herbicides create an invisible barrier below the soil surface that kills weed seeds before they can take root and grow. Once applied, it will remain active in the soil for several weeks or months, depending on the product. Post-emergent herbicides are used to control existing weeds. They are generally sprayed directly onto the weed and can kill the plant within hours or days, depending on the product. Post-emergent herbicides also have residual activity and will kill new weeds that germinate after the application.

  • Is hiring a lawn care company worth it?

    Hiring a professional lawn care company is often worth it for homeowners who are looking to keep their yards looking great. Professional lawn care companies are knowledgeable in the best practices for lawn care, including when to apply herbicides, fertilize, and other treatments. Additionally, they possess specialized equipment and know-how to ensure that your yard looks great. By hiring a professional lawn care company, you are also saving yourself time and energy. This is because lawn care is a labor-intensive task and can be time consuming. Professional lawn care companies have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to spend your time on other activities. Overall, hiring a professional lawn care company is worth it if you are looking for quality results without having to put in the time and effort yourself. With their knowledge, expertise, and specialized equipment, you can rest assured that your yard is in good hands and will look its best.

  • How do you choose a lawn care company?

    When looking to hire a lawn care company, it is important to do some research and find one that meets your needs. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Is the lawn care company staffed with a trained agronomist? A trained agronomist can properly diagnose and address lawn care issues, such as pests or disease. 2. Is the lawn care company licensed and insured? This is an important factor when considering a professional lawn care service. 3. Are there good online reviews or testimonials from customers? Having a look at what other people have to say can give you insight into the quality of service that you will receive from a particular lawn care company. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the right lawn care company for your needs.

  • How long does it take for lawn care to work?

    The amount of time it takes for lawn care to work depends on the current state of the lawn, the amount of desired grass established, the amount of weeds, the age of the lawn, and other environmental factors. At Canopy, we ask customers to give us a year to see the full results of our program.

  • What is the best type of lawn care?

    Canopy Lawn Care. Period.

  • How do I get rid of weeds in my lawn?

    Weed control methods can be divided into two broad categories: cultural and chemical. Cultural weed control methods focus on changing the environment so that weeds are not able to grow. This includes practices that will increase turf grass density like aeration, seeding, mowing, watering, fertilizing, etc.. Chemical weed control methods involve using herbicides. These are available in both liquid and granule form, and should be used according to the directions on the label. Herbicides come in both pre and post emergent, be careful when you apply them, because you don’t want to kill your desired grass! By combining good cultural and chemical practices the best results can be achieved.

  • Why do I have weeds in my lawn?

    Weeds can be one of the most frustrating problems for any homeowner with a lawn. Not only do they look unsightly, but they also take away valuable nutrients, space, and water from grass in the desired lawn. So why do you have weeds in your lawn? The answer can vary depending on your climate, soil type, and the amount of sunlight and water your lawn gets. Common reasons for weeds are: lack of turf density, an imbalance of nutrients or lack of certain essential nutrients, compacted soil, so if your lawn hasn’t been aerated recently or you haven’t been regularly dethatching it, lack of sunlight or water, etc.

  • How do I get a better lawn?

    To get a better lawn, it is important to implement effective weed control, cultural practices and proper fertilization. Weed control usually involves using herbicides or other products to control the growth of weeds. Cultural practices such as mowing, aerating and overseeding can help promote healthy turfgrass growth and reduce weeds. Fertilizing is also important to promote healthy turfgrass growth and keep weeds at bay. Different types of fertilizer should be used depending on the type of grass, soil conditions and climate. It is important to follow directions carefully when using products for weed and pest control. Regular maintenance such as mowing, watering and fertilizing can help keep a lawn healthy and weed-free. By taking these steps, you will be well on your way to having a better lawn.

  • What does grass need to grow?

    Grass needs several necessary elements to grow. It requires healthy, nutrient-rich soil with adequate water and sunlight. Grass also needs macro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micro nutrients available to thrive. Proper mowing techniques and other cultural practices can also ensure a healthy, lush lawn. Mowing grass on a regular basis helps it to remain healthy and thick. It also encourages the growth of deeper roots, which can help the grass survive during periods of drought. Finally, a consistent fertilization schedule is important for maintaining a healthy lawn. Fertilizer can provide the grass with extra nutrients that may not be available in the soil. With these elements, grass will be able to grow and flourish.

  • How do I tell what kind of grass I have?

    One of the best ways to tell what kind of grass you have is by inspecting its leaf blades. Different kinds of grass will have different characteristics in the way their leaves look and feel. Look at the growth patterns, does it spread and grow horizontally, like Bermuda grass? Does it grow more in clumps vertically, like Tall Fescure? Sometimes it can be difficult to identify the type of grass you have, so consulting with a local lawn care professional might be necessary. They will be able to identify your grass and inform you of the best ways to take care of it.

  • Why are some patches of my lawn dying?

    Patches of dying grass can be caused by a number of different factors. Insects, disease, mowing practices, and drought are some of the most common issues. Insects can cause turf grass damage in a variety of ways, depending on the species present. Chinch bugs feed on the fluids in grass blades and leave behind yellow patches. Grubs, armyworms, and sod webworms can all cause damage as they feed on the roots of turf grass. Disease is another possible cause of dead patches in lawns. Fungal diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and large patch are common problems that can cause patches to die. Mowing practices are another potential cause of dead patches. Cutting the lawn too short or cutting it too often can lead to weakened grass that is more prone to damage. Finally, drought can also lead to dead patches in lawns. Without sufficient water, the turf grass will brown and die. To prevent this, it is important to make sure the lawn is getting adequate water. If your lawn is suffering from dead patches, it is important to identify the cause so that you can take the necessary steps to treat it. Conducting a thorough investigation of your lawn and consulting with a professional can help you determine why your grass is dying. Taking the appropriate action to address the issue will help ensure that your lawn

  • What organic materials does Canopy use?

    Canopy’s lawn care program uses organic materials to promote better, healthier lawns. These materials include reclaimed coffee grounds as a natural fertilizer, beneficial bacteria to help promote healthy growth, and protein meal as a source of essential nutrients. The combination of these organic materials helps the soil retain moisture better, while also providing a range of essential nutrients to the grass and other plants in the lawn. Canopy’s lawn care program is designed to nourish your lawn naturally, with less use of harsh chemicals or artificial fertilizers.

  • What kind of herbicides does Canopy use?

    Canopy utilizes a variety of commodity pesticides to meet the needs of our clients. We utilize industry standard pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides to effectively control weeds without damaging the surrounding vegetation. We also use specialized herbicides to target specific species of weeds. Our team is well-versed in the use of these products and will work with you to create a plan that meets your needs. We understand the importance of proper application techniques, timing, and safety protocols and adhere to all state and federal regulations. With our expertise, you can be assured that your property is in good hands.

  • What kind of fertilizer does Canopy use?

    At Canopy, we use a combination of both granular and liquid fertilizers. Our selection includes synthetic and organic blends to meet the needs of different plants and soils. We strive to ensure our selection is of the highest quality, so that you can trust your plants will get the nutrition they need. We carry both slow-release and fast-acting fertilizers to provide a balanced nutrient supply throughout the entire growing season. All of our fertilizer products are designed to deliver quick and long-term results, so you can have peace of mind your plants will stay healthy.

  • What is the difference between lawn care and turf care?

    Lawn care and turf care are the same thing! The terms are often used interchangeably to describe the management of turf grass areas. Both services typically include fertilization, weed control, and other services like seeding and aeration, de-thatching, and top dressing.

  • What is the difference between lawn care and lawn maintenance?

    Lawn care and lawn maintenance are terms that are often used interchangeably, however they refer to two distinct processes. Lawn care typically refers to the seasonal tasks involved in preparing a lawn for the coming months. It includes fertilizing, aerating, seeding and reseeding, de-thatching, and weed control. Lawn maintenance is an ongoing process of mowing, edging, trimming trees and shrubs, removing leaves and debris, and other routine tasks that help keep a lawn in good condition. Both lawn care and maintenance are important for keeping a healthy, attractive lawn.

  • What does lawn care actually do?

    Lawn care in North Carolina includes a variety of services, from fertilizing to weed control. Fertilizing is important for providing essential nutrients to your lawn, allowing it to remain healthy and green throughout the year. Weed control is also important for keeping your lawn free of unsightly weeds and ensuring that the grass stays lush and healthy. In addition to these core services, lawn care in North Carolina may also include aeration and seeding, top dressing, and lawn pest control. Professionally delivered lawn care should result in a healthy lawn with few weeds and thriving turfgrass.

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